
Forgiving yourself is life's greatest challenge.

Location: Daytona Beach, Florida, United States

Adopted, only child...need I say more? That has a whole set of sterotypes right there!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lack of Introspect

I have been rather lazy and complacent recently. I haven't felt terribly bad. I have gotten to the point where I usually only have 1-2 days per week that I throw up. Now granted, this might happen 2-3 times in that day, but that is considerably less than before. I haven't been in to see a therapist in two months and I can really tell. I also have "successfully" procrastinated getting myself into a doctor to get checked out physically. It is so tiring to deal with so, in some respects, I'd just rather not deal with it at all. Plus, other than one person, no one asks me about it. People feed you this line of bullshit when you first tell them about your problem that they care and will check up on you and do whatever it is you need them to do...and then they never follow-up. I'm not the personality to ever really ask for help so, of course, I don't communicate with them about it either. The other course of non-action is to just pretend like it doesn't exist. Or to say lame things like, "You look so good" everytime that person sees you. Like telling me I look good is going to magically make it go away.

Everyone is very comfortable again. It is kind of pissing me off. I'm still not okay, but everyone is moving along like I am. Okay. I'm ranting now and this isn't turning into a constructive post whatsoever. Everything about my life is just plain irritating me right now. I know, what an ungrateful bitch I sound like. Ugh.


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